Skye Nicholson

Skye Nicholson

Skye Nicholson

@skyenicholson -  Author

Skye's books

Live on Discovery

Unexpected Alchemy

In Unexpected Alchemy, poet Skye Nicholson shares her journey of recovery — and empowerment — after ending 25 years of alcohol abuse. Her poems are filled with soaring language, fraught memories, and poignant images of motherhood and self-acceptance.  Paired with artful images from illustrator C...

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About me
After making the decision in January 2018 to put an end to 25 years of alcohol abuse, Skye Nicholson began her ongoing journey of healing and self-acceptance. In 2021, Skye became a certified Recovery Coach and formed Soul’s Truth Coaching, LLC, an empowerment coaching service for women.
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