Serenity  Marie

Serenity Marie

Serenity Marie

@serenitymarie -  Author

Serenity 's books

Live on Discovery

My Sister's Murderer

After the shocking death of her twin sister, one woman goes on a quest to bring her murderer to justice. What she doesn’t expect is the complicated feelings that come after she partners with a dangerous, unbearably attractive mobster who may hold the answers she needs. For as long as I can remem...

Live on Discovery

Cloaked Blade

As a new election begins, ex president Steven Colescott learns of the death of his daughter Martha during a rally on the change of martial law to that if democracy. Determined to find her killer, Stevens mission is supported by the army. All efforts seem to be in vain as the suspects they do obta...

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About me
Serenity Marie is a new mystery fiction self-published writer who enjoys to read and write on her free time. With a love and excitement for writing mystery novels, check out her first book "My Sister's Murderer"
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