Selma Writes

Selma Writes

Reader, Writer, blogger, enthusiast, ordinary, & believer of kindness & miracles.

Selma Writes

@selmawrites - Reader

Selma Writes

Selma Writes

@selmawrites - Reader

Selma Martin is my name. I’m a newly published Author of nature poetry—In The Shadow of Rainbows: A collection of songs of presence. I blog at selmama... more

I’m so happy to be able to review this book here for all to see. It’s my greatest pleasure : I give it a whopping 5-star What strength, what compassion! Honest, I couldn't put it down... The mark of a truly great book is whenever I’m done reading it, I continue to think about it. In the case of this book, A Grafted Tree, A Memoir of Adoption, Disability, Identity, and Family by Kathleen Tumminello—emotive prose, heart-achingly selfless, warm, and vivid representation of adoptive parents with huge hearts who, like any parent, are looking for inclusion for their children—I kept turning the pages fast, hoping to get to the end sooner to find out just how this story ends (for now, as it’s ongoing). This book spoke to me with compassion and resonated with my mother’s heart and by the end of my first “fast” read-through, I found good purchase at how the “situation” was resolved. The ending is most beautiful—how I like stories to end, and now this book occupies a special spot in my heart and shelf. Knowing this, I set to reading the book one more time to savor each line of this literary memoir. Now I could understand the analogy and genius of the title. Now I could “feel” the intimate words expressed by this Author and hold her in a sisterly embrace for her resilience and the unconditional love she and her husband blessed us all with when they took to caring this much for their adopted children and biological child. It must have been hard but I also feel that a love like the one that shone silently on each page is exemplary for our world. We need more humans like these. “Nature vs. nurture—the age-old conundrum. What makes us who we are? It’s both, you might say. I agree, but when I set out to write this memoir about raising an adopted child with disabilities, I found that nature played a far larger role than I expected. I also discovered that this story is not about adoption, disabilities, or even raising children. It’s about accepting one another for who we are and understanding and valuing our differences and identities.” ~ quote in Author’s Notes The main focus in the book is on the beautiful daughter. What strength! Much like a butterfly’s metamorphosis. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated the positive vibes that sprouted within me from reading this memoir. I’m confident you’ll find similar vibes sprouting too. And it’s my hope that books like this will encourage more social awareness and sensitivity to people with disabilities—every child deserves to be accepted and valued. I can’t recommend “A Grafted Tree” enough—a resounding 5-star rating from a satisfied customer in Japan. may this review help you decide to purchase to read. Fly little book, fly!
Selma Writes
Selma Writes started following Arthur Turfa, Morgan Liphart, Hallie Hoffman and 45 moreabout 1 year ago
about 1 year ago
About me
Selma Martin is my name. I’m a newly published Author of nature poetry—In The Shadow of Rainbows: A collection of songs of presence. I blog at & review books that touch me. I’m an empty-nester and live with my Japanese husband in Japan. It’s so nice to make your acquaintance.😁
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