Scott Mari

Scott Mari

Scott Mari

@scottmari - Author

Scott Mari

Scott Mari

@scottmari - Author

Scott Mari is an avid science fiction fan and enjoys painting, drawing, and woodworking as well as writing. He lives with his son in Pennsylvania. more

Scott's books

Live on Discovery


While the Earth tried to quell the violence after the alien invasion, teams of engineers went to the moon to create ships capable of fighting back. After they cleared the dead, the Lunar Colony reopened as a technology hub to mine asteroids for materials and turn them into starships. Calliope Mo...

Calliope Morrigan survived unimaginable isolation, overcoming her solitude, to build her way out of exile and find a way to strike at the enemy. Facing the consequences for creating a super-weapon, she is hunted on world and off. Having learned that her former life had lethal outcomes, she thirs...

Live on Discovery

The Reckoning

Calliope survived the initial battle and the retaliation. Can she uncover the scale of the alien threat against humanity? Calliope Morrigan defeated the aliens in a sneak attack. She survived their retaliation, a stealth mission meant to decapitate the fledgling human forces. Now, she must rega...

Live on Discovery

The King Cheetah

Humanity’s greatest telescope spotted the aliens that will make us extinct. The solar system’s largest telescope shows a vicious, unstoppable enemy 300 light years away. Humanity watches as they wipe out civilizations on a path to Earth. To prepare, humanity creates artificial intelligence, hum...

Live on Discovery

Assassins of Mars

Supported by their governing nations, colonies are created on Mars. Until they become independent, they are extensions of the unrest on Earth. The Russian colony vies for control of the planet, and is willing to do anything to achieve domination. Austra works for the US government to eliminate a...

Calliope survived the initial battle, the alien retaliation, and her first spying mission. Now she needs a way to fight against impossible odds. Calliope Morrigan follows the aliens to watch as they capture her decoy. Seeing an escaping ship, she rescues it, and against all odds, reunites with h...

Calliope has found alien cultures throughout the solar system. Humanity is outnumbered and she can’t fight them all. She needs to choose her allies wisely. Her next choices might be her last. Calliope Morrigan created her first capital ships and defended the Martian system against the biggest inv...

Live on Discovery

Revenge of Azazello

The Martian colonies won their first battle against Vladimir Gorkiy. When orbits align, will he attack the colonies again? As head of the United Martian colonies, Abigail needs to make reactors to power Phobos station. Once they can harvest the immense metal asteroid, 16 Psyche, they can build...

About me
Scott Mari is an avid science fiction fan and enjoys painting, drawing, and woodworking as well as writing. He lives with his son in Pennsylvania.
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