Ron Zarro

Ron Zarro

Ron Zarro

@ronzarro - Author

Ron Zarro

Ron Zarro

@ronzarro - Author

Ron loved drawing cartoons. He worked in the Movie business in Special Effects and performed the head/neck movements on the movie "E.T." He retired... more

Ron Zarro
Ron Zarro started following R.Janet Walraven, Matt Guzman, TRINITY RYAN and 6 moreabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Ron Zarro
Ron Zarro started following Kameron Brookabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
About me
Ron loved drawing cartoons. He worked in the Movie business in Special Effects and performed the head/neck movements on the movie "E.T." He retired in 2012, moved to Florida with his wife and co-writer, Jacqueline. This is their first attempt at writing a children's picture book.
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