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"Have You Ever Seen?" is a laugh riot that'll please many young readers!


"Have You Ever Seen?" strives to bring joy and giggles as readers follow Max the Mole as he wanders about the land running into animals, vegetables, bugs, fish, and ice cream. His journey involves many unlikely scenarios, including a flower taking a shower, a goat in a boat that doesn't float, and a fly that is an international spy. This book is sure to bring a smile to children's faces.

Have You Ever Seen? With "Max" the Mole asks children questions that center around silly and impossible scenarios. For example, have you ever seen a bat on a date with a gnat or a bunny with lots of money? What about a moose and a goose enjoying a cup of orange juice? I bet the only time a child has seen a dragon pulled in a wagon is if the dragon was stuffed or made of plastic. 

There were so many ridiculously funny questions and images. Jacqueline "MAX" Zarro (writer) and Ron Zarro's (writer and illustrator) imaginations will have children giggling nonstop. Even adults will be smiling at the creative artwork and silliness of the writings. 

Nearly all the scenarios were unlikely. However, I found one that could be plausible, thanks to the Muppets. Miss Piggy has blonde hair. She may have stood on a twig at some point. Therefore, I'd like to answer the writers' question, "Have you ever seen a pig standing on a twig wearing a wig?" with a firm....maybe.

Since a child's imagination seems limitless at times, I think they might answer yes to several of the have you ever questions. Children love "tea parties," so questions involving an animal eating or drinking could land in the yes category. I'd be stunned to hear one say they've seen a banana wearing a bandanna unless they like to play with their food. 

In the final moments, Have You Ever Seen? With "Max" the Mole prompts readers to share outlandish scenarios they've seen. I bet children will come up with exciting and hilarious combinations. 

Amazon has the set recommended reading age of six to eight years, but anyone from pre-k to fifth grade will find this book highly entertaining. It's a laugh riot that'll please many young readers and the adults sharing it with them! 

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Most of the reviews will be featured on my blog (Kam's Place), Pinterest, Instagram, BlueSky, and Goodreads. Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D


"Have You Ever Seen?" strives to bring joy and giggles as readers follow Max the Mole as he wanders about the land running into animals, vegetables, bugs, fish, and ice cream. His journey involves many unlikely scenarios, including a flower taking a shower, a goat in a boat that doesn't float, and a fly that is an international spy. This book is sure to bring a smile to children's faces.

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Brandon HaskettGreat book, my 6 year old loves it!
about 2 years ago
Michael FearGreat book! Both of my little boys love it and can recite it!
about 2 years ago
Nimisha SGreat book
about 2 years ago
samantha pillayGreetings, I am interested in establishing connections with fellow children's book authors. If you would also like to stay informed about my new releases please follow back. Warm regards, Sam
about 1 year ago
About the author

Ron loved drawing cartoons. He worked in the Movie business in Special Effects and performed the head/neck movements on the movie "E.T." He retired in 2012, moved to Florida with his wife and co-writer, Jacqueline. This is their first attempt at writing a children's picture book. view profile

Published on November 09, 2022

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Genre:Picture Books

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