Richelle Reed

She Reeds by the Sea

Richelle Reed

@richellereed -  Reviewer

Richelle's books

Live on Discovery

A Call to Chengdu

Charlotte Male is a woman with aspirations. And, that fire that burns in her is seen as a detriment to some. She wants to be loved on her own terms, not for appearances or for what a man can gain from her. She refuses to be owned that way. When her relationship goes horribly awry and becomes t...

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About me
Richelle is an avid fiction reader. She grew up hiding under her covers with a flashlight and a book. She has been considering writing this story for a good decade before gaining the confidence to plot it out. Her dreams have always led her to the ocean. She currently resides in New Brunswick, CAN
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📚 200 books read per year

🏆 36 submissions per year