Rebecca Beloney

Rebecca Beloney

Rebecca Beloney

@rebeccabeloney - Author

Rebecca Beloney

Rebecca Beloney

@rebeccabeloney - Author

Decades ago I received a Journalism degree from Texas A&M, and year's later finally finished a master’s degree in adult education from the University ... more

Rebecca's books

Is your teenager about to finish high school (or just starting)? Do you know what’s coming? They could go college…or not. Naturally, you want what’s best for them! How can you as a parent be a positive part of those next steps—no matter where they lead? This book shows parents how things work le...

About me
Decades ago I received a Journalism degree from Texas A&M, and year's later finally finished a master’s degree in adult education from the University of Wyoming. Now they're both influencing my first book! Most of my truly useful knowledge comes from decades on college campuses and being a mom.
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