Rashmi Meena

Rashmi Meena

Rashmi Meena

@rashmimeena - Reader

Rashmi Meena

Rashmi Meena

@rashmimeena - Reader

Hello! I'm Rashmi, a coder, learner, and woman, as well as a lover of flowers and plants, in addition to books, as they reinvigorate my heart and spir... more

Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena published a reviewabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
A cozy suspense/thriller - Finlay Donovan is Killing it with grace and poise
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It
Finlay Donovan is killing it... except, she's really not. She's a stressed-out single-mom of two and...
Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena published a reviewabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
For anyone looking to break out of a reading slump or enjoy a good laugh, You Have a Winner!!! Worth the dial!!!
Dial A for Aunties
Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena started following Crystelda Naidoo, Bozhana Ivanova, Meghan Speer and 1 moreabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena published a reviewabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
ā€œI am an idiot. Iā€™m an idiot for liking you!ā€ Unputdownable! Highlighting a strong female protagonist, it is captivating and truly magical.
The Last Dragon King: Kings of Avalier
Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena started following Gregg SAPP, Reitumetse Mokoena, Yvonna Graham and 7 moreabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena imported 29 books to their Library about 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
And the Mountains EchoedThe City of BrassThe Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air (1))Alex, ApproximatelyLovelessDear Stranger, I Know How You FeelThe Kite Runner: Graphic NovelEveryone Has a Story 2It Ends with UsTea for Two and a Piece of Cake
Rashmi Meena
Rashmi Meena started following Paige Friesabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
About me
Hello! I'm Rashmi, a coder, learner, and woman, as well as a lover of flowers and plants, in addition to books, as they reinvigorate my heart and spirit. I spend my spare time ranting and reading books. I let books occupy my days because I think that reading a book a day puts reality at bay.
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šŸ“š11 books read per year