Rahel Wallace

Rahel Wallace

An unequivocal book lover

Rahel Wallace

@rahelwallace - Reviewer

Rahel Wallace

Rahel Wallace

@rahelwallace - Reviewer

I don't remember a time I didn't love reading. So, I suppose it stands to reason why I love writing as well. I prefer curling up with a good book and ... more

Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace published a reviewabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
A story about finding yourself, becoming more confident in your sexuality and learning who you are...
Cindy Violated
Viktor Redreich
⚠️ EXPLICIT CONTENT WARNING ⚠️ Cindy is a sexually repressed girl. Locked up in her room readin...
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace commented on Rahel Wallace's update over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace published a reviewover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Characters you can relate to and a story you will enjoy and never want to put down.
Empire of Jackals
Morgan Cole
The war with Tyrace is over. It was supposed to be a time of celebration. Of triumph. But for Mar...
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace imported 294 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Frozen TidesThe Burning WhiteIn The AfterlightRenegadesIron GoldThe Murder ComplexThe BeautifulWinter (Lunar)FireThe Way of Kings
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace upvoted Solar Furyover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace started following S.D. Christopheralmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace started following Josh Eriksonalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace started following Andrea Merchakalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace started following Claire Leggettalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace upvoted Revolution: The Ritual Sagaalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace published a reviewabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
The potential is there but the execution was lacking and hence the story didn't land.
Revolution: The Ritual Saga
V.L. Young
As soon as one problem is remedied, another one arises. With more Immortals disavowing their secrec...
Rahel Wallace
Rahel Wallace started following Felicia Bengtssonabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
About me
I don't remember a time I didn't love reading. So, I suppose it stands to reason why I love writing as well. I prefer curling up with a good book and some pistachio ice-cream to a 'night out on the town'. I enjoy meeting new people but I'm not much of a talker; an affable introvert.
Profile URL
2 month review streak
3 month review streak

📚50 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year