Paul Vogelzang

The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series

Paul Vogelzang

@paulvogelzang - Reader

Paul Vogelzang

Paul Vogelzang

@paulvogelzang - Reader

I'm a bookworm, and host Smithsonian Associates radio shows and podcasts about reading, authors, and new books, all directed at the 55+ age community.... more

Paul Vogelzang
Paul Vogelzang started following Kali Desautels, Kelly Mitchell, Kieshia Chun and 19 moreover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Paul Vogelzang
Paul Vogelzang started following Dakota Love, Elaine Graham-Leigh, Tony Bassett and 21 moreover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Paul Vogelzang
Paul Vogelzang started following Susie Helme, Susan Broidy, Marina Aranda Sojo and 21 moreover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Paul Vogelzang
Paul Vogelzang started following Karl Sjogren, Suzy Turner, Hiawatha Bray and 2 moreover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
About me
I'm a bookworm, and host Smithsonian Associates radio shows and podcasts about reading, authors, and new books, all directed at the 55+ age community. We (I'm 65) read, and buy books. We love to read and love to learn about new things, new stories, and new ways to relate to our family.
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📚55 books read per year