Nicole Webb

Nicole Webb

Author, China Blonde: How a newsreader's search for adventure led to a friendship, acceptance and peroxide pandemonium!

Nicole Webb

@nicolewebb - Author

Nicole Webb

Nicole Webb

@nicolewebb - Author

Born in NZ, at 16, Nicole moved to Australia where she became a TV journalist, working as a newsreader at Sky News for a decade. In 2010, she and her ... more

Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb started following Christine Dove, Tony Bassett, Rashmi P. Menon and 21 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb liked Nicole Webb's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb upvoted China Blondealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb shared an update on China Blondeabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
China Blonde had a rendezvous with one of Australia's national newspapers yesterday, The Australian Financial Review. They ran an excerpt which is here if you'd like to read it.
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb shared an update on China Blondeover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
China Blonde is now available on eBook!! Here's the US Link but she's available in all major countries!
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb imported 70 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
The Mummy BloggersEggshell SkullUnbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and GainStill MeYou Had Me at HolaA Cup of FriendshipThe Year of Magical ThinkingMaybe in Another LifeBoy Swallows UniverseThe Strangers We Know
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb left a comment on China Blondeover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Hi Jennie, Thank you so much for this very detailed review of China Blonde. I'm really glad you were able to connect with the very crux of my story and understand what I was trying to get across, in the end. Yes, it all matters. ;) I appreciate you taking the time to reach this conclusion and I'm so glad you were left feeling it was worth the ride. Many thanks, Nicole.
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb started following Jennie Louwesover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb started following Warren Whitlockover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
Nicole Webb
Nicole Webb started following Felicia Bengtssonover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
About me
Born in NZ, at 16, Nicole moved to Australia where she became a TV journalist, working as a newsreader at Sky News for a decade. In 2010, she and her husband (+ baby bump) moved to Hong Kong where they lived for 4 years before moving to China. Nicole now works in Sydney as a Writer and Speaker.
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