moeez hatanian

moeez hatanian

Author of interstellar Epic Fantasy Genres

moeez hatanian

@moeezhatanian -  Author

moeez's books

Live on Discovery

Echoes For Celia

Echoes for Celia is the first book in a new series. This imaginative fantasy/science fiction novel follows the trials and tribulations of Celia as she discovers why she is so different from other people. Celia is a smart girl; she has achieved more than other people twice her age, and yet she doe...

“The Omega Order is in place to allow the galaxies in the universe a fighting chance against any foe that wishes to overtake them. The Luciada, an ancestor, has come for a visit from a parallel universe. I’ve come because I’ve seen many different variations of how the future can be carried out, a...

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About me
Moeez. Finds time for creating has always been important to Moeez. These endeavours: listening to music, studying the stars, or learning about ancient mythology, keep him grounded and focused. Moeez began a series he describes as a genre-bending utopian futuristic romantic drama.
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