martin cullen

martin cullen

martin cullen

@martincullen - Author

martin cullen

martin cullen

@martincullen - Author

Martin Cullen has been a musician, bouncer, infantrymen, and worked in museums. He walked the storage rooms of the American History Museum, worked bac... more

martin's books

Live on Discovery

Donnybrook Good-Bye

A demonic crusade. A homesick god. A merciless order. A lonely gruffin. And a crafty puca. Trapped in the middle, Inara Caan is an embittered vestal to The Order of the Avenging Hand. She flies to Boston for her next mission. Like every other assignment, she expects more deaths to defile her sou...

Live on Discovery

The Hidden Road

This book is the sequel to Donnybrook Good-Bye. Inara fought for and nearly died for her freedom. But she won a chance at a normal life. Turns out, she hates it. She yearns to move. To do…something. Then a call from her friend Yukie shakes Inara into action. Turns out Lee is trapped in a magic ...

About me
Martin Cullen has been a musician, bouncer, infantrymen, and worked in museums. He walked the storage rooms of the American History Museum, worked backstage for a magician, drank more than he should, and sang more than most folks would have liked.
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