Magda Pinto

books et al

Magda Pinto

@magdapinto - Reviewer

Magda Pinto

Magda Pinto

@magdapinto - Reviewer

I'm Magda! I am an avid reader and reviewer. I have always wanted to make my reviews legitimate. I run a bookstagram (and soon blog) focused on tracki... more

Magda Pinto
Magda Pinto published a reviewover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
A beautifully written descent into the indifference that engulfs human nature.
The Head of Heights
Zack Reed
Calvin Ingram has just left everything behind, including his home and everything he has ever owned. ...
Magda Pinto
Magda Pinto started following Hannah Cox, Kristiana Reed, Merissa Sheppard and 2 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Magda Pinto
Magda Pinto started following Angelic Rodgers, Barbara Monier, Allison Barilone and 20 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
I'm Magda! I am an avid reader and reviewer. I have always wanted to make my reviews legitimate. I run a bookstagram (and soon blog) focused on tracking my reading progress and reviewing books that I have enjoyed. I love curating an engaging and in depth review for books!
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📚50 books read per year