Lisa Miskovetz

Lisa Miskovetz

Lisa Miskovetz

@lisamiskovetz - Author

Lisa Miskovetz

Lisa Miskovetz

@lisamiskovetz - Author

Lisa Miskovetz is gramma to Mia Mae. Lisa taught at Central Road School for 20 years, enjoying Tall Tale books. Retired, Lisa hopes to write about eac... more

Lisa Miskovetz
Lisa Miskovetz upvoted Mia Mae the Meoweralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Lisa Miskovetz
Lisa Miskovetz left a comment on Mia Mae the Meoweralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
@sherrinicholas thank you! My characters are anxious to be adventuresome!
Lisa Miskovetz
Lisa Miskovetz shared an update on Mia Mae the Meoweralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Mia Mae the Meower has launched! Please give me an upvote and order my Tall Tale Children's book! My website has Educational Resources, Coloring Pages, and Wildcat Facts! Sign up for my free newsletter to get weekly step-by-step instructions on how to draw Mia Mae's Furry Forest Friends.
Lisa Miskovetz
Lisa Miskovetz shared an update on Mia Mae the Meoweralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Head over to to find step by step instructions on how to doodle-draw Mia Mae's Furry Forest Friends. Sign up for weekly doodle-drawings! Week #2 Groundhog
Lisa Miskovetz
Lisa Miskovetz shared an update on Mia Mae the Meoweralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Find step by step instructions on how to Doodle-Draw Mia Mae's Furry Forest Friends on my website Week #1 was the raccoon.
About me
Lisa Miskovetz is gramma to Mia Mae. Lisa taught at Central Road School for 20 years, enjoying Tall Tale books. Retired, Lisa hopes to write about each grandchild, highlighting their unique and amusing personalities! Lisa and her husband Steve love to hike, exploring the waters of Wisconsin.
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