Mia Mae happily follows Big Daddy Jim down the path to the Great Mississippi River. It was to be a day of rafting and fishing. Always observant, taking in the beauty of nature, Mia Mae spots a small kitty. Scooping up this newfound friend, Mia Mae names her Dory. Placing Dory gently in her apron pocket, the adventure begins.
Encountering Cougars, Canadian Lynx, and Bobcats, Mia Mae uses her clever thinking, and long hair braid to protect Dory and herself. She will put into practice the important survival skills taught to her by Big Daddy Jim and Mama.
Set in the 1800s, this Tall Tale will have you sitting at the edge of your wooden rocking chair. Hopefully, this story will help you realize the importance of the people in your life who love you. Deep inside your heart, you will see how they have inspired you to be caring, confident, and strong.
Mia Mae the Meower is an adorable tall tale featuring Mia Mae, her family, and several wildcats. Lisa Miskovetz tells an exciting tale of a young girl who changes her part of the world forever.
Mia Mae is a young girl who loves the outdoors. She goes off on a fishing trip with her father, where she picks up a kitten on the path to the river. When a wild storm comes upon them, the wind sweeps Mia Mae downriver along with her kitten. While she is finding her way home, she comes across threatening wildcats. But, she is a fast thinker and knows just what to do. Mia Mae discovers later that her kitten is no ordinary cat. Will mia Mae make it home? And, what of her kitten? Is there a happy ending to Mia Mae’s tale?
Mia Mae the Meower has all the exaggerations of tall tales of old. Paul Bunyan was a huge man. Pecos Bill rode a tornado. Well, Mia Mae is just as large as life as these famous men. Her cleverness is extraordinary. And she moves from scene to scene with the finesse only a tall tale can provide.
The story itself is cute, and the illustrations are amazing. However, the story felt a bit off. Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill are famous because of the excitement that they bring to the tale. Mia Mae is not quite up to that caliber. But, the story is enjoyable, and I can see many children loving the wildcat aspect of the story.
With the lack of excitement, I can’t award Mia Mae the Meower full stars. Though still an excellent book, I am happy to award this book 4 out of 5 stars. The bright pictures and the adorable kitties make this a winner for children of all ages.