K Selvapriya

K Selvapriya

K Selvapriya

@kselvapriya - Reader

K Selvapriya

K Selvapriya

@kselvapriya - Reader

I'm SelvaPriya, a psychology student in Tamil Nadu. My passion is to blog and read. I'm having a blog and now I need to review all genre books. Blog i... more

K Selvapriya
K Selvapriya posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Book Name: Echo in Time Author: Michael Thomas Ratings: 4/5 This book is written about time travel, aliens and ancient Greek times. This story is full of mystery with many twists and turns. The main character in this story is Zach Leandros and Patas Danumata. This story contains action and scientific view also. This story begins with mystery murders happening in a historical museum. Detective Matt Keegan investigates about this bizarre murders happening in New York City. He struggles to find the truth about the murders. At that time Zach was admitted in hospital as he collapsed in the ground. Then Matt was able to connect some truth with Zach in this case. Patas came to hospital to secure Zach from the danger of Argloxian community. When Zach meets Patas everything begins to make sense and then no sense at all his perception of reality turned on his head. This was a race between Argloxians and Atlanteans in Ancient Greek time period. Argloxians were struggling to find devices to destroy whole human world and findings. Patas know their plans and he was fighting against them to save human kind. As opposing forces collide, humanity faces it greatest threat that stretches back through time to the realms of legends and myths. The future of humanity is ours to decide!!!!! Review by: Selvapriya
K Selvapriya
K Selvapriya started following Anthony Steven, Lynne Barnesalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
K Selvapriya
K Selvapriya started following Timothy Baldwin, Electra Nanou, Daniele Kasper and 5 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
K Selvapriya
K Selvapriya imported 7 books to their Library almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Rising StrongThinking, Fast and SlowThe Hunger GamesThe Alchemist, 25th Anniversary: A Fable About Following Your DreamBig Magic: Creative Living Beyond FearThe Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and OrganizingThe Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1)
About me
I'm SelvaPriya, a psychology student in Tamil Nadu. My passion is to blog and read. I'm having a blog and now I need to review all genre books. Blog is about psychology. I'm eagerly waiting to read and review new books.
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📚30 books read per year