Kathy Weyer

Kathy Weyer

Author. Artist. Advocate.

Kathy Weyer

@kathyweyer -  Author

Kathy's books

"I just turned fifty-eight and for the first time, I was alone and my slate was blank. What the hell was I going to do with my life?" Newly widowed Jen Conrad finds solace in a vodka bottle until Renee, her best friend and the mayor of San Diego, volunteers her for an artistic project. Heritage ...

Jade Robinson has inherited Iris’s estate, and she has no clue what she’s doing, plus she’s scared this new spotlight will bring her unwanted attention. She opens up a store at Heritage Art Park called Pages with writer Robert Graham, catering to the novice and experienced literati in town with w...

Live on Discovery


Renee Murphy is at the end of another chapter. Her term as mayor is up, and her dreamed-up plans for retirement vanish when the man she pined after is no longer available. She is faced with the angry fifteen-year-old man-child Lenny Rudolph who has been in the foster system since he was three yea...

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About me
Kathy Weyer is an author, artist, and advocate. She was awarded first prize (twice) by the Palm Springs Writers Guild for fiction and memoir contests and has been published in several magazines. She is the author of Stitches and the forthcoming sequels, Canvas and Pages.
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