Jovaughn Brown

Digital Zen

Jovaughn Brown

@jovaughnbrown - Reviewer

Jovaughn Brown

Jovaughn Brown

@jovaughnbrown - Reviewer

Last year I challenged myself to write a review for every book I read, and as a result, I've seen an improvement not only in how I consume books but a... more

Jovaughn Brown
Jovaughn Brown upvoted She Runs With Wolvesover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Jovaughn Brown
Jovaughn Brown published a reviewover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
A great take on "tribal futurism." What this lacks in character development, it makes up for in action and compelling concepts.
She Runs With Wolves
Kimberly T. Hennessy
What if losing yourself meant you were erased from existence? Your essence overridden with no one th...
Jovaughn Brown
Jovaughn Brown upvoted Zero Percentersover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Jovaughn Brown
Jovaughn Brown upvoted The Midas Effectalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Jovaughn Brown
Jovaughn Brown published a reviewalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
The Midas Effect is a thrilling tale with a cerebral plot and great characters, but it falls short of its true potential.
The Midas Effect
Manuel Dorado
Miguel Le Fablec, a young European university professor, appears to have the ability to turn his ima...
Jovaughn Brown
Jovaughn Brown published a reviewabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Zero Percenters toys with a compelling idea but falls short on substance, instead opting to highlight the grieving process of Anja.
Zero Percenters
Scott Grusky
Would you sacrifice your humanity to live free from pain and suffering? Conservationist Anja Lapi...
About me
Last year I challenged myself to write a review for every book I read, and as a result, I've seen an improvement not only in how I consume books but also in how analytical my reviews are. I have a strong desire to help people discover great books. It's also more exposure to the author as well!
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📚45 books read per year