Joel McCaw

Joel McCaw

My main objective is to tell a story

Joel McCaw

@johngaudet2763 -  Author

Joel's books

A loopy, larky, action adventure, romantic comedy, set in what the Spanish conquistadors called, Las Islas Encantadas, the enchanted islands. They believed that they materialized out of the mist, or rose up from the sea in response to some ungodly force which caused them to appear in unexpected ...

Live on Discovery

Hearts for Sale

A tropical island version of Squid Game, in which the main characters become involved in deadly and very bloody experiences with wealthy heart patients who urgently need heart transplants. If Squid Game were to be played out on a tropical island, Hearts for Sale would tell that story because it ...

Live on Discovery

Empress Helen

Helen Westmoreland, a summer resident from Boston, has rented a castle-like building in Newport, Rhode Island. Recognizing that her life needs renewal, she has set out with her long-time boyfriend, Roddie Feyman, to win the hearts and minds of the residents of the hamlet of Belltone. Her lan...

Wealthy Newport resident, Emory Bryce, proponent of the emerging science of Harmonious Ecology, arranges for a research project involving the Gnostics of Moja-tu, an alternative religious group on an island in Africa. Emory arrives there then disappears, presumed dead, in reality his spirit has ...

About me
Born and schooled in Rhode Island, further educated in the ‘60’s in Berkeley California, and traveled extensively. The Washington Post said he looks and sounds like he could have walked right out of a Graham Greene novel. Lives and works in McLean, Virginia. President of the Bent Twig Society.
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