Jens Oliver Meiert

Jens Oliver Meiert

Jens Oliver Meiert

@jensolivermeiert -  Author

Jens Oliver's books

“The Web Development Glossary” is probably the largest of its kind. With more than 2,000 terms and explanations it acquaints and reunites you with the major standards and concepts of the Web, with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, security, performance, code quality, internationalization, loc...

Live on Discovery

Upgrade Your HTML

HTML is super-popular. Everyone can write HTML. Or can they? In the spirit that everything can be tweaked and optimized, “Upgrade Your HTML” is a first light book in a playful series to review and improve real-life examples of HTML. Not shyly but always constructively does Jens Oliver Meiert, so...

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About me
Hi, I’m Jens. I’m an expert on web development where I specialize in HTML and CSS optimization. On my writing, I’ve written about a dozen books and booklets, some for my publisher, some self-published, most about tech, a few about other topics, some popular, many not. I also write articles.
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