James Jouppi

James Jouppi

James Jouppi

@jamesjouppi - Author

James Jouppi

James Jouppi

@jamesjouppi - Author

I'm a seventy-five year old retiree, the beneficiary of a generous government pension after twenty years of government service; the first two as a Pea... more

James's books

In August of 1985, the author of this book was walking along the Mekong River in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand when he spotted a Pearl S. Buck sign above a nondescript one-room storefront. Expecting to learn something about the Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, John Candy movie about a clash between the Peace ...

About me
I'm a seventy-five year old retiree, the beneficiary of a generous government pension after twenty years of government service; the first two as a Peace Corps civil engineer, the next three as an Army medic, and the last fifteen as a mail clerk with the United States Postal Service.
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