Himjal adhikari

Himjal adhikari

Himjal adhikari

@himjaladhikari - Reader

Himjal adhikari

Himjal adhikari

@himjaladhikari - Reader

Himjal adhikari
Himjal adhikari started following Bojana Andrić, Jerickson Jaspe, Paul Vogelzang and 21 morealmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
Himjal adhikarialmost 2 years ago
Himjal adhikari
Himjal adhikari started following ben vip, Giày Nam Công Sởalmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
Himjal adhikari
Himjal adhikari left a comment on Cody Seltzer and the Creeping Shadowsalmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
In the gripping tale "Cody Seltzer and the Creeping Shadows" by Lassiter Williams, a young boy learns that evil things are happening in his neighborhood as a result of creeping shadows. The book talks on significant issues including valuing diversity, appreciating one's individuality, and standing up for what is right. The characters have a strong sense of identity, and the shadows' consequences on the area are vividly and compellingly described. For young readers who like reading books with a hint of mystery and adventure, "Cody Seltzer and the Creeping Shadows" is a fantastic choice.
Himjal adhikarialmost 2 years ago