In a refugee shanty town on the outskirts of a vast and opulent imperial capital city, an insidious sect of demon worshippers, the Cult of Ebon, began to prey upon the Gathered, a diaspora of peoples displaced from their nations in the aftermath of a mad tyrant's ceaseless wars of conquest, long ...
In a refugee shanty town on the outskirts of a vast and opulent imperial capital city, an insidious sect of demon worshippers, the Cult of Ebon, began to prey upon the Gathered, a diaspora of peoples displaced from their nations in the aftermath of a mad tyrant's ceaseless wars of conquest, long ...
After a long and harrowing trek across storm ravaged seas, Detective Constable Lukarde Alfans becomes embroiled with the imperiled Watchers of Westport. Dread and terror reign in the Freewilds. The streets of Westport are littered with signs of woe and dismay, of fear and defeat. The Watche...