Emily Ryan

A Classical Conundrum

Emily Ryan

@emilyryan2690 - Reviewer

Emily Ryan

Emily Ryan

@emilyryan2690 - Reviewer

Hello - I'm Emily Ryan, an avid consumer of literature and lover of prose. In between reading academic papers for university and catching up on thrif... more

Emily Ryanalmost 3 years ago
Emily Ryan
Emily Ryan published a reviewabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
An explicit and chaotic comedy novel that features rambunctious and bawdy humor and the musings of a ‘Dr. Rocco St. James’.
When Sharkadillos Attack!
DM Schwartz
Dear Reader, what are you about to open? Within is an eclectic collection of essays, news article...
Emily Ryan
Emily Ryan unlocked the "3 month review streak" badge about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
3 month review streak

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Emily Ryan
Emily Ryan published a reviewabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
A consistent reminder to find gratitude and peace during a global pandemic; this witty piece can make you both laugh and cry.
Namaste at Home: Positive Thinking and Meditation During a Freakin' Pandemic
Sola Damon
COVID-19 made 2020 a year like no other. Finances, businesses, health care systems and lives all li...
Emily Ryan
Emily Ryan unlocked the "2 month review streak" badge about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
2 month review streak

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Emily Ryan
Emily Ryan published a reviewabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
The elaborate historical romance captured within exceeds all expectations; a work infused with emotion, bold politics, and elegant prose.
All Things That Deserve To Perish
Dana Mack
The year is 1896, and Elisabeth ('Lisi') von Schwabacher, the gifted daughter of a Jewish banker, r...
About me
Hello - I'm Emily Ryan, an avid consumer of literature and lover of prose. In between reading academic papers for university and catching up on thrift-store books, I'm a reviewer for Discovery novels.
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2 month review streak
3 month review streak

📚35 books read per year