Don Cook

Don Cook

Don Cook

@doncook - Author

Don Cook

Don Cook

@doncook - Author

I decided to become a writer late in life. My faith in God and my love for both freedom and science fiction has resulted in my novel "Ithyanna, Last D... more

Don's books

IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, IN AN ANCIENT WORLD OF ANXIETY... Noah warned the world about the coming flood -- yet no one listened. No one that is, except for an attractive Atlantean telepathic wunderkind-scientist named Ithyanna. Based on hard scientific data, signs and omens of total worldwide destr...

About me
I decided to become a writer late in life. My faith in God and my love for both freedom and science fiction has resulted in my novel "Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis", based on my short film The Last Atlantean (2009). I currently reside in London, Ontario, Canada.
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