Chris Gourley

Chris Gourley

Chris Gourley

@chrisgourley -  Author

Chris's books

Live on Discovery

The Lost Heir

Standing atop a promontory, she sees them coming... interlopers in the desert, clumsy outsiders whose caravan blazes a trail of dust. Alisutton d'ere Lihter, who her brothers once called "Button," was abandoned in this wasteland, years ago. Is it those who betrayed her, returning? And if so... wh...

What she believed is no longer true. Alisutton, who was called Button growing up, rescued her brother from torment and death... now he wants her dead. Can she bring peace back to the green world that was her home? Can she change the past without killing her brother and becoming like him? The e...

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About me
Chris Gourley is an artist, playwright, mother, and dreamer steeped in the oral storytelling traditions of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The worlds created in her mind are forever pulling her down enticing pathways that beg to be shared.
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