Bryon Vaughn

Bryon Vaughn

Bryon Vaughn

@bryonvaughn -  Author

Bryon's books

Live on Discovery


Brenna Patrick is a brilliant technologist specializing in neural-cognitive functions and AI. She has cracked the code to solve one of the most troublesome problems in the field, and turned that into the multi-billion dollar NeuralTech Corporation. Working quietly with the U.S. Department of Def...

Live on Discovery


A sickness is spreading through The Garden threatening to destroy everything that neuro-cognitive genius Brenna Patrick has built at NeuralTech. World domination will have to wait, at least for now. Adversaries will become allies. New enemies will upset the balance of power. People will die. ...

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About me
My body may be showing signs of wear, but I’m keeping my brain tight. When I am not dreaming of far off worlds and writing, I am living a semi-normal life working in New York City, and watching movies with my wife and her spastic cat, Moss.
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