Brooklynn Langston

Brooklynn Langston

Write to make a difference!

Brooklynn Langston

@brooklynnlangston -  Author

Brooklynn's books

Live on Discovery


Suicidal thoughts. Physical abuse. Self Harm. Hopelessness.  
 Five teenagers, Drew, Zoe, Jordan, Lilly, and Michael, all complete strangers, wake up in a circus tent. After meeting the whimsical ringleader, R.L., they are marked with a tattoo symbolizing the circus act they were meant to ...

What would YOU do if… Everyone around you disappeared and suddenly you were in a circus? A beam of moonlight tattooed your arm with a circus act you are meant to master? You and four strangers were brought together to defeat The Shadows? Jaiden, Stella, Adam, Eli, and Laura had no idea eith...

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About me
I knew I wanted to be an author after reading The Outsiders. The call to write something that would impact my generation was so loud, I couldn’t hear anything else. I knew there was a story about broken people finding hope that had to be told. Find out more on
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