Anna Carner

Anna Carner

Within the dark pool of a deer's eyes spirits call out. All you have to do is listen.

Anna Carner

@annacarner -  Author

Anna's books

Imagine what life would be like to be loved by a not-so-typical wild deer. Think of the discoveries—full of fun, at times terrifying—as awareness blurs nature's boundaries and friendship grows. This is the true tale of a deer and a human ... It was Spring of 1999 when Anna found the fawn, alon...

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About me
Anna Carner writes from the horse barn at Unicorn Hollow farm in Virginia. She works in new product development, branding and marketing for Unicorn Editions, ltd., a company she founded in 1994. She rode Fire Rescue in Miami during the tumultuous riots and the Mariel boatlift from Cuba.
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