Alan Corcoran

Alan Corcoran

Multi-award-winning author, charity fundraiser, and adventurer

Alan Corcoran

@alancorcoran -  Author

Alan's books

Indie Reader - 4.5/5 - "MARATHON MAN is an inspirational, well-structured and well-edited memoir written with an admirable level of openness and honesty in which the author astutely codifies thirty-five days of running the streets of Ireland into a touching, meaningful and cautionary tale." Ki...

UNSINKABLE is an inspirational, humorous, and heart-wrenching tale of persevering after facing life’s most difficult realities. Weeks after a joy-filled footballing trip around France, joined by family and friends, Alan Corcoran learned his dad, Milo, had stage four cancer. Just days later, Mi...

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About me
Alan Corcoran is an Irish endurance adventure athlete. Competing as an Irish international track and field athlete as a youth, he switched to ultra-endurance at twenty, when his dad suffered a stroke. Alan has since fundraised €45,000 for charities through his resilience challenges.
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