100 LICK

100 LICK

100 LICK

@100lick - Author

100 LICK

100 LICK

@100lick - Author

100LICK is a unique brand, unlike any other. It is also the pseudonym I write under. 100LICK is also a puzzle, one that you must solve. Within its lo... more

100's books

Live on Discovery


TEDESKIMMA is a vast, grim, bittersweet, character driven epic, set in a dark, dystopian world. This tale tale deals with a wide variety of themes, and the canvas this story is painted on is as vast as it is diverse. This book takes whoever chooses to experience it on an epic journey across a ...

Live on Discovery

The Hitman & The Reaper

THE HITMAN & THE REAPER: The grim reaper visits an old friend, a hitman, the greatest assassin in existence, to warn him of his impending doom. What follows is the first story of The Shady File. This is an action packed story, full of death, violence and gore, which takes place in an exotic, fut...

About me
100LICK is a unique brand, unlike any other. It is also the pseudonym I write under. 100LICK is also a puzzle, one that you must solve. Within its logo lie the clues that will lead you to the answer. As for who I am... Well, that shall remain a mystery for now. Why? You ask. Why not? I answer.
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