Joelle LeGendre
Joelle LeGendre posted an updatealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Confessions of a clueless writer: I once tried to make candy in a microwave using tupperware. Just as that endeavor didn't end well, I've made a lot of mistakes with publishing, too. The first three editions of Atto Run needed revisions and they STILL keep circulating among readers. They're harder to get rid of than splattered plastic candy melded to the walls of a microwave. It's embarrassing to admit the depths of my naivety in 2013, when Atto Run was first published. If you'd like to read my books, the recent editions are free on KindleUnlimited. Immortal Sands, book 2, should be published soon. After that -- I'm not sure if one of my two stand-alone books will be published, or if book 3 of The First Level of Hell Series is next.

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