FeaturedHealth & Wellbeing

The Perfect Athlete


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The Perfect overview and resource for the fit and healthy conscious...

Tenured Jockey Olivier Doleuze lays out a hugely beneficial resource/overview style guide for anyone looking to improve their nutrition and fitness that is packed with information.

This easy-to-read book is delivered with an approachable chatty style that partners well with the sheer amount of definitions, explanations and what is essentially a blue print for modern sport/nutrition and more. Early on it is stated that this book is for "Athletes and aspiring fitness enthusiasts' but everyone or anyone who wants to be more conscious of their health through exercise and diet this is a must-read, it really will open your mind and awareness.

Structured much like how the ideal workout it begins with the warm up - definitions of the basics are laid out like nutrition, metabolism, calories, fuel and so much more. Although this is a lot of information, its written with a light style that isn't too heavy to take in and makes for a memorable start to the work out/ reading experience. The chapters that follow, cover everything in detail but again not too heavily, many guides do suffer from adding 'fluff' but this one is lean and in good shape, trust me.

I was drawn to this book to learn and to find more insight into how my own diet relates to my fitness and now my mind is very much open especially with the very meaningful and motivational statement about weight only really being a number.

This book exactly what I needed to refresh my fitness journey because I think many of us sometimes get lost along the path when it does relate to weight expectations, nutrition and fitness. I'll happily admit a lot of this stuff I didn't even know until I picked up this guide which I shall be using in the future for reference.

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Indie author and book blogger from the UK who works in cutting edge science by day and writes by night. I know the struggle that is indie publishing so my efforts focus on spotlighting fellow authors and contributing to the writing community. I prefer books with a wordcount up to 90k or less

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