The new Monkey King adventure starts with our lead character having a fight with his friend, Pigsy. They are in the Amazon Rainforest, in Brazil, and something is just deeply wrong: the forest is way too quiet. No animals or even insects. Then, giant transparent animals, Spirit Animals, show up attacking and destroying everything.
The Spirit Animals are after a princess and her powers. The story follows and the readers travels to Machu Picchu and Galapagos with, while Monkey King and his friends/allies are trying to protect the princess and save the forests and worlds (Earth and Kingdom of Heaven).
Although the story is ok and have many good elements, as environmental information, it falls short when it comes to the characters and dialogues. We don't get to learn anything deeper about them, and everything is very "straight forward" and rushed. Dialogues are plain and very simple. And sometimes lack meaning or reason.
Conflicts that could be explored and developed further are not. What once was a major point os disagreement in between two character is solved in two lines and in a very simplistic right/wrong way. As a reader, I felt at times the story was moving fast and lacking continuity, details and elements.
As a reader I like to merge with the book, "see and live" the story. I want expectation build and to be surprised. For an adventure/fantasy book these would be essential for me.
Unfortunately this one is not for me.