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If the Gut ain’t happy, ain’t no Body happy. Find relief for a host of symptoms and gain more control of your overall health with this book.


Discouraged by visit after visit with your doctor about your gut issues, you feel like there is nowhere else to turn. But you haven’t lost hope and you know that there has to be something out there that is safe and worth trying to help you feel better. That’s where the Gut Fix book comes in. You are meant to feel better because the body heals when you give it what it needs. You want to use a natural approach to being free of heartburn and other gut conditions too but don’t know where to start.

Sadly, there are lots of self-help books about fixing your diet for gut health, but it hasn’t been enough to help you completely. This is where Gut Fix comes in. Gut Fix is a refreshing and unique guide that specifically walks you through safe dietary supplements, herbal remedies, and diet strategies to try when you’ve been cleared to do so by your healthcare provider. This book helps you learn about the proper use of these supplements and how they may help many of the symptoms you may be having.

Gut Fix is both an educational journey and a handy reference book. Written by registered dietition Heidi Moretti, the book’s approach is in keeping with her Functional Medicine training to address the root cause of disease, yet it is also full of helpful suggestions that may offer quick relief for symptoms.

Heidi’s message is simple: the gut needs nutrients. Without sufficient nutrition, your gut is likely in some state of inflammation, leading to issues ranging from Crohn’s disease to IBS to plain old nausea. And just striving to eat well isn’t enough, as she explains convincingly. That means supplementation—but she’s got you covered, illustrating what you might want to take, when, why and how much, as well as where to find it.

The book begins with a guide to the inner workings of the digestive system and goes on to illuminate why the modern diet alone is usually insufficient to provide what the gut needs. There follows some informative, detailed chapters on the building blocks of a healthy gut: vitamins and minerals, proteins and fats, herbs and spices—in short, a wealth of components that might be the missing keys to regaining a high quality of life. A glossary and index round out the resources.

Much of the material in later chapters is redundant, but this is because the book is partly structured as a reference addressing specific problems. While we read about the extensive health benefits of collagen in Chapter 3, we are later reminded of its application in addressing constipation, diarrhea, IBS, SIBO, IBD and ulcerative colitis. And certain herbs show up in almost every chapter, due to their synergistic effects on the body.

I had no idea that the intestinal lining is only one cell thick—which means it is vulnerable but also heals quickly, given the right support. Heidi has clearly done extensive research; she rarely makes a claim without a footnote referencing a corroborating study. She makes careful notation of when readers should seek help and reminds them to discuss her suggestions with their doctors.

My dissatisfactions with the book were minor. For example, the “gut-brain axis” is repeatedly referenced, yet this term is never defined, so I had to look it up myself. But in her conclusion, Heidi exhorts us to be lifelong learners, curious about our health and savvy at discovering our own best path—and Gut Fix delivers a message of hope for everyone’s health.

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Kit is an author, martial artist, linguist, fitness instructor, homeschooling mom, and crocheter of elephants. While she likes a good story, she loves great writing. Fav authors include Patricia A. McKillip, Robin McKinley, Amor Towles and Jane Austen. Kit's novel The Gatherer released Feb 7, 2024.


Discouraged by visit after visit with your doctor about your gut issues, you feel like there is nowhere else to turn. But you haven’t lost hope and you know that there has to be something out there that is safe and worth trying to help you feel better. That’s where the Gut Fix book comes in. You are meant to feel better because the body heals when you give it what it needs. You want to use a natural approach to being free of heartburn and other gut conditions too but don’t know where to start.

Sadly, there are lots of self-help books about fixing your diet for gut health, but it hasn’t been enough to help you completely. This is where Gut Fix comes in. Gut Fix is a refreshing and unique guide that specifically walks you through safe dietary supplements, herbal remedies, and diet strategies to try when you’ve been cleared to do so by your healthcare provider. This book helps you learn about the proper use of these supplements and how they may help many of the symptoms you may be having.

The Guts of the Issue

If you picked up this book thinking you are one of the unlucky few afflicted with gut health issues, let me assure you that you are not alone. In fact, worldwide, 40 percent of people suffer from at least one digestive disease. In comparison, around 66 percent of people in the US struggle with one or more digestive diseases,[1] including gastroesophageal reflux disease, gallbladder disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, and others. More money is spent on digestive remedies than heart or mental health, too, at over $136 billion per year. So why, in our so-called progressive society, are digestive issues so prevalent, and how do you find relief?

As a clinician and researcher with twenty-four years of experience, I’m passionate about gut health. This is because it is at the root of most ailments, and because of this, achieving gut health is the quickest path to feeling vitality again. Because I’m also trained in functional medicine, I have learned many techniques to help get people on the path to feeling well. In my experience, patients feel better quickly and usually permanently using this functional medicine approach. When, in fact, they previously only found temporary or no relief after trying conventional interactions with their gastrointestinal doctor.

To be clear, traditional medicine does have its place, and I urge you to visit your provider if you’re having gut issues to get a complete diagnosis. Still, it is worth knowing that there is more to treating your gut issue than conventional medicine. What’s more, if you’re having gut trouble, but your doctor can’t find the problem using a scope, scan, or other tests, you may be told there is nothing wrong with you and given little or no advice on how to feel better. And if you do receive a diagnosis of, for example, Crohn’s disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you may find that the medication for your specific gut disorder only masks the issue rather than treating the root cause.

Getting to the Root Cause

As you will discover in this book, the root cause of many gut issues is a lack of essential nutrients and building blocks for the gut. For example, a lack of sufficient nutrients causes gut cells to be inflamed, function poorly, cause pain and discomfort, or all of the above. Additionally, lacking the nutritional building blocks due to stressful situations or an imbalanced diet can disrupt your body’s ability to digest foods well. This can be a root cause of distress in your gut and throughout your whole body.

Genetics may play a partial role in these gut conditions, but your genes don’t tell the whole story. Genes may load the gun, so to speak, but diet and lifestyle pull the trigger on these diseases. There is an entire field dedicated to how food and nutrients control how our genes express themselves called epigenetics.[2] Epigenetics, in simple terms, is the effect of your food and your environment on how well your genes work. In other words, what you eat has a huge impact on whether your genes cause damage to your body or not. This is good news for all of us because we can make simple diet and lifestyle changes to reduce gut symptoms even due to daunting genetic conditions. And understanding that food significantly impacts your health’s destiny is much more potent than feeling helpless due to genes.

Yet, many medical doctors ignore the basic building blocks of the gut: food, herbs, healing compounds, and nutrients. This is largely because medical doctors aren’t taught these critical healing tools in their academic training. In my experience, my patients feel better so much more quickly from a nutritional approach than any other mode of treatment for digestive issues in most cases. I’ll be sharing some of their stories in this book. And I think you’ll find that if you are willing to try some targeted nutritional support supplements and improve your diet, you will create your own personalized gut fix and discover the healing solution you’ve been searching for.

Using This Book

Knowledge is power, so we’ll journey through the digestive tract and where and how issues might develop.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive into the ultimate gut fix, knowledge, and finding the right nutritional balance.

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Heidi MorettiThanks so much for the great review, Kit! I'm Heidi Moretti, MS, RD, the author. Please le me know if any of you have questions about the book!
over 1 year ago
Joe LyonGut Fix by Heidi Moretti, MS, RD gives us a thorough and well researched book about many common problems within the gut. She unpacks a lot of clinic information in a non-clinical way that is real, down to Earth, and fascinating to "digest". She walks through the reasoning behind how some foods effect the stomach lining causing inflammation, heartburn, nausea, and acid reflux, as well as the benefits of vitamins, probiotics, and proteins. One of the big surprises was the take on being vegan and some of the deficiencies in proteins it may create to protect the stomach lining. There is plenty of "did you know?" sections which lay some examples of common problems, the clinical reason for it, and some good advice to avoid them. Her book was a good read initially and is also worth the price to have on the shelf for future reference. If you are one of the 50% of people that have had gut problems, then this book is for you.
over 1 year ago
About the author

Heidi Moretti, MS, RD, is a dietitian at Fresenius and owns The Healthy RD, a blog about proven natural remedies. She is trained at the Institute for Functional Medicine. She is the author of The Whole Body Guide to Gut Health and The Elimination Diet Journal. She has published numerous studies. view profile

Published on August 10, 2023

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