I WROTE THIS journal to remember.
When I started writing, I forgot most events beyond the past few days, and I encountered problems distinguishing between reality and my dreams.
As I kept my journal, I recollected more. By the end, my path led me to remember everything.
I began not knowing many details or where the journal might lead. I recorded the words as memories returned in thoughts and mental visions. As I remembered, I documented the entire chronicle.
I separated the content into sections for ease of reading and organization, but transcribed the pages as journal entries, as I recalled them, page for page, word for word, as visions of the pages appeared in my mind.
For I wrote not in deliberate segments of sentences, plotting the next object of my story, nor in unabated flow, without thought or conscious effort. Rather, I perceived a mental image of each page, complete with text, as though engraved in stone, surrounded by light.
I transferred these words into this journal.
I present this first of what I hope becomes many books to spread and recall into the world the information and journals I remembered.
First Words
I am.
I remember.
I remember a scribe recording my memories.
I write to you for me.
Morning Song
THE BIRDS SANG their morning song as musicians in concert. Chirps and tweets filled the crisp dawn air. A discernible melody arose from the forest: sweet and repetitive. The grove of trees by the small rushing river became a grand piano, each bird playing the notes, hammered out against the canopy. In a wooden piano case, the strings, struck by the keys, bounce vibrations against the top of the instrument to amplify the waves of energy we call sound. In the forest, the sonic waves flowed to the ceiling of the tree grove, bouncing off the thick layer of leaves and branches, reverberating towards the ground.
As songbirds serenaded their mates or sang out in search of friends, sometimes, to modulate the frequencies of their calls, they lowered their volume to a whisper. They played low for a while, conserving their strength, and preparing to enjoy. These hundreds of birds, all gathered for this purpose, then broke into a sudden orchestra of melody, again slamming the sound waves against the treetops, forming a natural amplifier and echo chamber.
While the birds sang con gusto, the sun rose above the horizon, big, pink, and red, at first, and turning more bright yellow as it climbed. For a moment, the sun lingered low in the sky, perpendicular to the grove, casting rays of light crosswise against the trees while ascending. This early light illuminated the forest.
Brightening the trees, the light waves, too, bounced among the grove, combining with the sound waves. As the avian orchestra reached the crescendo, sunlight sparkled against the trunks, lighting them up after restful darkness. For a fleeting moment, the sound and light waves joined as one. The sounds appeared to merge with light components, influenced by the vibration of the sound waves, suspended in the air like iridescent confetti.
The tweeting beaks of the birds emitted the sound waves. These waves bounced up against the leaves of the canopy, and down to the floor, creating a field of harmonic reverberations. As sunlight entered at the perfect angle, the light waves crossing the field vibrated, and the sound became visible.
Only I stood there in the forest, and I captured it forever in my memories. I needed nothing. I sat in the circle of trees, bemused. My eyes and ears experienced a rare and luxurious performance. I recognized melodies in the songs of the birds while they used the grove as a music chamber to amplify the sounds. The sunshine unified with the symphonic waves.
I sat by the trees as light warmed the day. The forest lit up as creatures scatted and scurried. Chipmunks, squirrels, foxes, fish, and wild birds ventured out for an early morning inspection. The music slowed and stopped. The singing birds took to flight, high into the sky and out of sight. Now I heard only the rushing river and geese and ducks staking territories on the water.
I stood up and walked beyond the trees to the riverbank. I waded in up to my belly, adjusting to the frigid water. I dove in, swimming with the current across the river towards a small beach. I reached the beach, drying off in the warm rising sun.
I looked across the stream at the grove and I saw them gathering. More lucky timing. I had seen them under the trees before, but I never witnessed them gathering. They were not aware of my presence, so I remained there, silent, as the scene unfolded, not wanting to disturb the routine.
Rays of light came forth from the direction of the sun, but these were not sun rays. No, they looked like large spotlights shining from the sky, creating round shafts of light that shone on the ground. Here, each shaft ended precisely next to one tree in the grove where I spent the dawn. I watched, and at the top of each shaft appeared single circular entities inside of the lights.
The entities looked translucent, of light, spherical in form. These balls of luminescence trickled through the light shafts, gliding down their cosmic sliding boards, shimmering as they flowed. Landing on the ground, each arrived next to a different tree of the grove. The light shafts then dissipated. As they did, the remaining sunlight illuminated the scene.
I realized the bright shafts contained a substance not plain to me when the light bodies descended. As the shafts disappeared, they left behind coils of energetic matter I now understood as connected to the light bodies the entire time. Each light body had a string of this coiled matter attached as it floated down. While descending, a fusion formed between the end of the coil and the tree itself, from the light rays.
As each coil wound downward, joined at one end to a light sphere, it spiraled towards and around a tree. Then, as the shafts of light dwindled in intensity, each coil of pure light energy fused into that tree. Now, one end of each coil remained linked to a spherical light body, with the other end attached to a tree. The light bodies, each attached by a coil of light to the tree where they landed, thus arrived, gathering at this grove.
The sun moved above the trees, radiating focused beams upon the grove like fire. The tree trunks glowed. I observed as each sphere received energy, imbued by the sun to the trees, through the coils attached to their light bodies and their trees. The trees absorbed the radiation, sharing it through the coils.
As morning manifested, I sat on that river beach, mesmerized, watching the glowing grove, and the light body spheres. I soon watched as the spheres transformed into distinct forms, dividing into several circles each, growing to resemble tadpoles without tails, then developing elongated arms and legs and a chest, and, finally, fine extremities including fingers and toes.
As I stared, these spheres changed from shapes of bright circles, into light bodies, into anthropomorphic form. By noon, each resembled a developed human baby, luminous, attached by a light coil to a tree. Each seemed content and stared up at their tree. Although the mid-day sun waxed hot and strong, the woods provided shade, the ground cool and comfortable.
I moved away from the beach, into the thicket behind the waterfront. I did not go far, or risk missing events unfolding across the river. I spotted a pathway leading to a tall hill opposite the grove. I hiked the route, picking delicious berries for treats along the way, staining my fingers. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and mulberries, all growing on the trails.
A little freshwater creek passed right over the trail, halfway up the slope. I crossed into it, crouching to sip up many handfuls of refreshing water, and continued climbing. At the top, I found a massive, flat rock extending over the river, creating a cliff, but with a walkway. An ideal vantage point for the rest of my day. I relaxed there, my back against the solid rock, enjoying the view as the afternoon wandered forward.
Afternoon Delight
GLORIOUS AFTERNOON. I sat on the overhang above the timbers, up the bank of the river, peering across the water towards the grove. I thought I detected the light babies and their coils again, but saw only glints and reflections of sunlight cascading off the surrounding rocks. I perceived no light bodies or coiled energy among the trees in this exquisite nature’s paradise.
As I stared at the tree grove, basking in the splendor, I became tired. Feeling heavy from the berries and water, I wanted to rest. I stepped aside the trail, away from the ledge, to a spacious flat outcropping. Here I stretched out, comfortable and safe.
I fell asleep and slept for the entire afternoon. When I woke up, sunset approached the golden horizon. But I sensed something strange about my surroundings. I recalled vivid dreams during my slumber involving groves of trees, light bodies, and singing birds. I had trouble distinguishing between my dreams, and what transpired while awake.
I pondered this dilemma. What happened in reality, and what inside my dream? Well, I remained on the rocks, so I knew I walked up the trail, and berry stains still covered my fingers. How long I sat on the beach and how I arrived at the grove, I cannot answer.
I wondered if the morning songs were just parts of my dreams. Did I sleep last night at the rocks or the grove? Did I dream my time with the birds and bodies connected to the trees? Perhaps I never even sat on that beach.