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A Comprehensive Guide to Parenting a Child with ADHD

By vivian abobo

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Great resource for parents of ADHD children who have questions about medication.


Do you know that within the last 8 years, the number of children diagnosed with ADHD has increased by 42%?
We may not have control over the number of children diagnosed with ADHD, but we can equip ourselves with the knowledge to raise our ADHD children to become self-sufficient adults.
If you want to learn the key factors that will help your child thrive and live with ADHD diagnosis while improving concentration and relationships at school and home, then you need to read this book.
This book will provide you with important facts that you need to know about your child’s ADHD diagnosis .
Inside this book you will discover some pertinent information on:
● understanding the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of ADHD through the times
● the severities of ADHD in children and how it presents itself
● available treatment options, their benefits, and side effects
● positive parenting techniques to encourage strong relationships
● tips to empower your child and help them find their strengths
This book is armed with information to guide you from understanding your role as a parent to methods for improving your child's quality of life.  

A Comprehensive Guide to Parenting a Child with ADHD: Understanding Therapeutic and Non-therapeutic Options to Enhance Your Child’s Focus, Navigate Their Emotions, Break Through Barriers and Succeed, by Vivian Boma Abobo, PharmD, MBA, provides parents of ADHD children a great starting place for improving home and school life.

Non-pharmaceutical approaches are addressed briefly. Abobo acknowledges the benefits of physical exercise, time in nature, alternative schooling, and brain training but leaves the details to other authors, whom she recommends in her final chapter. 

The section on discipline is powerful; I would recommend the book for this section alone!

With a doctorate in pharmacy, it’s no surprise Abobo leans heavily toward the benefits of medication. If you wish you could sit down with a pharmacist and discuss the pros and cons, this book is what you are looking for. Abobo is clear and thorough. She discusses what can be gained and possible side effects. Her considerable experience providing ADHD medications in tandem with prescribing doctors shines. 

Abobo understands the monumental challenge of parenting a child with ADHD. Her compassion for both parent and child is evident:

“Try to remember that all behaviors have a purpose. Behavioral challenges may represent an unmet need or be due to impulsivity (as is usually the case for children with ADHD). Most parents immediately assume the role of a judge, condemning the child’s behavior and issuing punishment. But try to avoid this and instead act as a detective. Try to discover the root or cause of your child’s behavior. This can lead you to find an unmet need that is fueling your child’s behavioral challenges, which will then give you the chance to meet that need, thus decreasing the chances of them repeating that behavioral challenge.” p.91

Adobo writes as if she were explaining something to a parent at her pharmacy. It’s easy to understand. It’s a little repetitive in places, but I did not find it tiresome. The book is organized logically and provides a highly effective explanation of ADHD medications.

I came away from this book with a better understanding of how pharmaceuticals play a helpful role. As a tutor who has worked with many ADHD students and their parents, I found this book a valuable resource for parents.

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A lifelong bookworm and career reading tutor. I can totally nerd out over a great sentence. Especially interested in neurodiversity. Author of Dyslexia Tool Kit Expanded Edition: What to do when phonics isn't enough. In lieu of tips, please follow me on Goodreads or Amazon.


Do you know that within the last 8 years, the number of children diagnosed with ADHD has increased by 42%?
We may not have control over the number of children diagnosed with ADHD, but we can equip ourselves with the knowledge to raise our ADHD children to become self-sufficient adults.
If you want to learn the key factors that will help your child thrive and live with ADHD diagnosis while improving concentration and relationships at school and home, then you need to read this book.
This book will provide you with important facts that you need to know about your child’s ADHD diagnosis .
Inside this book you will discover some pertinent information on:
● understanding the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of ADHD through the times
● the severities of ADHD in children and how it presents itself
● available treatment options, their benefits, and side effects
● positive parenting techniques to encourage strong relationships
● tips to empower your child and help them find their strengths
This book is armed with information to guide you from understanding your role as a parent to methods for improving your child's quality of life.  

Important Facts for Dealing with Child ADHD

It’s a scary and exciting experience, becoming a parent. Though it may be the most challenging task you’ve ever undertaken, the fulfillment and love that your children bring you make everything worth it. New parents may still find themselves feeling overwhelmed, unprepared, and over their heads most of the time. And it’s not only new parents who may feel like this. Every child brings with them new circumstances and different personalities that parents will have to navigate and learn. As a parent, you’re constantly growing, learning, and adapting. Therefore, knowledge is vital for dealing with children. Some parents try to prepare themselves for children by reading books on parenting, getting advice from others, or going to classes. This is how you can prepare for your child. All this knowledge can prove invaluable for when your child arrives. Theoretical knowledge (that you gain from studying and reading) is different from practical knowledge (that you gain from experience), but every little bit helps, especially on the exhaustive journey of parenting. This is even more applicable when you’re dealing with a child who has ADHD. Chances are, you did not count on your child having it, and so you did not prepare 2 yourself to deal with this condition. Consequently, you may be faced with a child that seems too much for you to manage, that just doesn’t listen to you, and that you can’t comprehend. This is not a condemnation of you as a parent—no one can be fully prepared for every scenario that their child may face. But now that you know about your child’s diagnosis, or even if you are just reading this book to help figure out if your child has ADHD, these words can help you treat your child with more understanding, empathy, respect, and love. It is important to know if your child has ADHD, and it’s equally important to know if your child doesn’t. This pivotal distinction can help you do your best for your child and learn how to raise them, teach them, discipline them, and relate to them

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About the author

Author has a doctorate in pharmacy and an MBA. Authors has extensive experience in psychopharmacology and pharmacotherapy and has served as adjunct clinical assistant professor at the university of Houston and Texas Southern colleges of pharmacy including management and clinical roles view profile

Published on May 01, 2023

30000 words

Genre:Health & Wellbeing

Reviewed by