Zvi Schreiber

Zvi Schreiber

Zvi Schreiber

@zvischreiber - Author

Zvi Schreiber

Zvi Schreiber

@zvischreiber - Author

Zvi Schreiber (pronounced "tsvee shryber") previously authored Fizz: Nothing is at is seems, a novel which examines the history of human exploration o... more

Zvi's books

So what is money? Money, as we know it, was born in 1971 when currencies unlinked from gold. During its adolescence, money was hyperactive, causing rampant inflation. Three decades of mature growth followed. But in middle age, money is changing again, losing its vibrancy. Central banks have prin...

About me
Zvi Schreiber (pronounced "tsvee shryber") previously authored Fizz: Nothing is at is seems, a novel which examines the history of human exploration of the physical universe. His day job is CEO of Freightos. Zvi has a PhD and lives in Jerusalem.
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