Zev Asch

Zev Asch

Zev Asch

@zevasch - Author

Zev Asch

Zev Asch

@zevasch - Author

Zev Asch is a small business owner with four decades of domestic and international experience growing small businesses by focusing on marketing. He is... more

Dear Ms. Gunther, thank you for the lovely review. I wanted to share with you and future readers why the book is short. I have spent the past forty years (thirty as a corporate marketing executive and the past ten as an entrepreneur) as a small business marketing specialist. I have observed an interesting phenomenon: we (entrepreneurs) always look for the easiest way to grow our business. Sometimes we refer to it as "shiny objects" and other times, it's just a desire to find a home-run. But here's what comes along with that phenomenon; we read, watch webinars, buy books and more often than not, we rarely, if ever, implement what we've learned. Why? Because we're "busy" and get pulled in many directions. Sadly, much of the material that is available is also overwhelming - and honestly, if you're not a marketing professional, you cannot implement what the books, webinar and YouTube video talk about. And here's the thing: most of these resources get you to sign up to the author's coaching, courses, or to buy more stuff. My message to readers of my book is simple: Marketing is not a DIY discipline. So, my book, in bit-size chapters with simple action steps, identifies simple overlooked practices ANYONE can implement - actions that will lead to better results and business growth. The goal I set was to not overwhelm my readers. Even as a marketing professor at a well-known Graduate School of Business where I taught for six years, I simplified marketing concepts to practical and actionable steps any of my students can take. I was one of the few professors that refused to use traditional textbooks. - instead; we read practical books by current marketing thought leaders (like Seth Godin). I hope this explains why I set out to disrupt what typical marketing books are about and gives my readers an opportunity to implement what they read in each chapter.
Zev Asch
Zev Asch started following Ricardo Fayet, Kitt O'Malley, Lizy J CAMPBELL and 6 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zev Asch
Zev Asch started following Vishal Purohitover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Zev Asch is a small business owner with four decades of domestic and international experience growing small businesses by focusing on marketing. He is also a former MBA Marketing Professor, Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and the author of “Are You Sure About That?”
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