Zach Kuhl

Zach Kuhl

Zach Kuhl

@zachkuhl - Author

Zach Kuhl

Zach Kuhl

@zachkuhl - Author

Zach Kuhl is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a degree in creative writing. Outside of reading and writing, he spends his time playing P... more

Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Oath Keeper's Servant is out! You can purchase either the Kindle Version or paperback version on Amazon. Thank you again to all my ARC reviewers! They are available on Goodreads, and should be up on Amazon within the next day or so.
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl shared an update on The Oath Keeper's Servantover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Oath Keeper's Servant releases tomorrow! Thank you to all my amazing ARC reviewers who have reviewed the book so far. They can be found on Goodreads.
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl shared an update on The Oath Keeper's Servantover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Here's the latest ARC review of the Oath Keeper's Servant. All can be found on goodreads. "I’m very new to the horror genre but this book drew me in and kept its grasp on me with every line. Our main characters age puts this in the YA category but this horror is certainly not for the faint of heart. I was lucky enough to have a copy sent to me from the author for an honest review and from the second I saw the cover I knew this one would haunt me for a while. I think this is one that both Horror and non Horror fans can get something out of and is worth picking up." -- Krystal Campbell
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Oath Keeper's Servant comes out tomorrow, December 7th! If you would still like a chance to enter my presale giveaway, more information can be found at:
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl commented on Felicia Bengtsson's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Never read any of them, but they look interesting. Love the cover of The Guest List. Nice to see a polling option. I didn't know they had that.
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl liked Lee Hall's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl liked Austin Valenzuela's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl liked Felicia Bengtsson's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl started following Marti Ward, livi brooksover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl shared an update on The Oath Keeper's Servantover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Released on December 7th and currently up for presale. Information on the presale giveaway, and a chance to win a Barnes and Noble OR Amazon gift card can be found at:
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl shared an update on The Oath Keeper's Servantover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Thought I should share the first chapter of my upcoming horror novel! For a chance to win a Barnes and Noble OR Amazon gift card, please enter my presale giveaway by emailing me your proof of purchase. More information can be found at: How, onto the first chapter :) Chapter 1 Cassie groaned the moment she plopped down at the overcrowded lunch table, dreading the encroaching start of summer vacation. Most of her friends wouldn’t be attending summer camp this year, true, but Cassie feared she’d once more be alone. Be it dancing, soccer, amusement parks, or exploring another country, each of her friends had something enjoyable going on. Instead of fun, Cassie would have the same old crappy summer routine. “Who are you texting, Kelsey?” Erin asked, her normal meek voice excited as she peered at the other girl’s phone. “Is it your girlfriend? Are you going to visit her this summer?” Kelsey’s cheeks flushed. “Aww, it is, isn’t it?” While the rest of the table began silly chants of, “Kelsey has a girlfriend,” Cassie kept her silence. Across from her, Rachelle caught her eyes. Cassie nodded, though she imagined Rachelle’s annoyance came from a more personal reason than her own. Of Cassie’s core group of friends, Rachelle sat less often at their table. Her irritation died down when Kelsey said, “Yes, I am. Please, Erin, could you be a little quieter about it?” Erin wiggled about. “Oh, sorry. So, what does she want? Is everything okay?” “Everything’s fine,” Kelsey said. “No more drama, hopefully.” Kelsey shot Rachelle a perplexed grimace, and the two shared rolled eyes. “Yeah, but the video she sent was interesting,” Rachelle said. “Anyway, Cassie, are you still worried about this summer?” “You mean it being the same as every other year? Yeah.” “She wouldn’t talk about anything else the entire bus ride here,” Erin said. “What else am I supposed to do? Listen to the bus driver and high schoolers be stupid the whole time?” While not too terrible, Cassie loathed the times she rode the bus alone. Not all the high schoolers annoyed her, but a select few made the ride miserable. “If it makes you feel better, I can have a pool party at my house,” Kelsey said. “My parents won’t mind.” “I guess we could. Might give me something to do over summer outside of practicing for track.” Rachelle shot Erin and Cassie a mischievous grin. Cassie nodded. Deep down, however, she feared the scant amount of time they’d have together would devolve into a few weeks of video games and yammering on about whatever topic they could dredge up from their minds. Oh, Cassie loved spending time with her friends and seeing them, but she dreaded the moment things slowed down. At least homework kept her occupied during the school year. Cassie finished her lunch in peace. Beside her, a few of the others at the table engaged in back-and-forth banter. Rachelle slipped Erin some of her food when the smaller girl left the table and meandered toward the bathroom. On her return, Kelsey said Erin should join the eighth-grade soccer team. Erin hunched up into her chair. “I don’t know,” Erin said. “I’m sure it will be fun and all, but well, maybe.” Her voice tapered off, and she took a bite of her sandwich. “Come on, Erin. We all know you’d do great. You play soccer all the time after school,” Kelsey said. “You’re one of the best players out there.” Rachelle backed her words up with a smile. “That’s different.” “How?” Erin mumbled her response, saved by the bell signaling they had five minutes left until fourth period. With a squeaked defense saying she left her science book in her locker, Erin scampered off before the others had time to leave the table.  School ended with the typical tests expected on the last day of the school year. When finished with her science test, Cassie followed the trail of excited students out of the room toward the exit. One final ride on the bus for the school year. Erin’s parents often drove her, Erin, and Kelsey home, but Erin had a doctor’s appointment, forcing the other two girls to take their prospective buses home. Great. “Hey, Cassie.” She turned at the shout to see Rachelle jogging toward her, already outfitted in her track uniform. She had tied her red hair back into a braid. “You said you’re worried about this summer, right?” No point in lying. “Yeah.” “Well, good, because I know what will cheer you up. You enjoy thrills, right? Watch a video online called the Rite of the Oath Keeper. I saw it a couple of days ago with a few friends from South Bend. You’ll love it. It’s as creepy and bizarre as everyone says.” Another bell rang, signaling the buses would leave in a couple of minutes. While unsure if she’d follow through in watching the video, there was no point in saying no. After all, Cassie needed some entertainment over the summer, even if from a video she never heard of. “I’ll look at it. Thanks, Rachelle.” “No problem. And I hope to see you, Kelsey, and Erin over the summer.” She gave Cassie a parting wave and ran off to greet a few members of the track team. Cassie trailed after her, but turned down the sidewalk leading to the buses. She wandered her way toward an empty seat, ignoring the bus driver’s grumbles every time a student climbed onboard. Roger and Hunter gave her their typical wolf whistles, to which Bryce snapped at his two idiot friends to shut up. Cassie folded her arms and glared out the window, watching the middle school until the bus pulled away. Minutes trickled by. Students rose, left, and after being grumbled about by the bus driver, the bus started off once more with a loud roar. Cassie kept her glazed-over eyes on the window, trying to force herself to take a nap. She need not worry about missing her stop. Her bus driver would fume, scream, and warn her not to fall asleep next time. Then he’d wish her to have a pleasant summer as she clambered down the stairs. No one bothered her, at least. When Erin wasn’t here, an eighth-grade boy with a crush on her, or a few girls Cassie only interacted with on the bus, would sit by her. None were here today. The bus pulled to a stop. Cassie almost drifted off into a long and peaceful nap when one of the obnoxious high schoolers, Roger, shouted in his over the top, nasally voice, “See you next year, beautiful.” Hunter chuckled. “Next year we’ll pay back your dumbass brother.” Beside him, Roger sported the outline of a blackeye. “Shut up, Hunter,” Roger said. He grabbed Cassie’s arm. She yelped, and he let go. “Just remember, we always pay back an insult.” Cassie whimpered and hid behind her backpack. She expected Hunter to respond when Bryce said, “Seriously, you two? You damn well deserved it, Roger.” He shot Cassie an apologetic glare. “They’ll forget about it next year. Roger, Hunter, come on.” Roger’s mouth opened into what Cassie expected would be some cruel remark. “Hey, you three, hurry up. None of us want to stay here forever.” At the bus driver’s snap, the three high school boys sauntered off the bus. The engines roared to life, and Cassie allowed herself to accept the relief creeping up within her. Summer meant she wouldn’t see those three again. Thank God. Alone, Bryce wasn’t terrible, but ever since Ryan beat up Roger, a day didn’t pass when one of them didn’t make some mean remark to her. They wouldn’t bother her now — three months of peace. If Erin came with her, they’d leave the two girls alone. They might stare at her, yes, but not bother her. No one on the bus aside from the bus driver paid Erin much mind. Lucky for her. Perhaps she should talk to her brother. No, Ryan had his own problems to contend with. She’d be fine. Come next year, those three would ignore her as they had the last several years of her life. Near a half-hour dragged on by. With each student who left the bus, a deep emptiness fell over her. Not a sad emptiness, but one reminding her of how summer would crawl by, and she’d go back to the same miserable routine as always. She leaned against her arm, pressing it up against the window. The Oath Keeper’s Rite — well, from how Rachelle sounded, the video must have some manner of notoriety. Cassie pulled out her phone to look it up. Her bus driver would complain if she watched a video on the bus, so instead, she read the comments and searched for as much information on the video as possible. The video creeped out many of the commenters. Others claimed the video frightened or startled them late at night, but said it was over-hyped. A few, as Cassie expected, called the video lame, and said the creators were idiots. Cassie couldn’t help but give a small giggle. While she hated internet trolls, she always found humor in the more immature and outlandish comments. Most of the comments implied the movie to be scary, or at least thrilling. Hmm, Rachelle might have a point. Cassie sent a text to Rachelle, thanking her for introducing her to the video. The rest of the information she gathered wasn’t much. A boy from South Bend said to have come across the video from a friend down south. Other posts claimed the video to be created by college students as an art project. Some comments decided the video appeared from nowhere. One person insisted a demon contacted them during the night and uploaded the video onto their phone. While multiple copies of the video existed, Cassie found the oldest one dated to three months ago. Whoever uploaded the video claimed they had no part in the production. The user’s profile specified nothing, but Cassie suspected the boy from South Bend owned the profile. For all she knew, he may also be a college student. Either way, maybe she could duplicate it and create similar videos. A new hobby would help to spruce up her summer. Lost in thought as she scrutinized each bit of information she came upon, she almost missed the bus driver shouting, “Hey, you, get off my bus.” Cassie’s head shot up, and she slipped her phone into her pocket with a sheepish smile. With her backpack flung over her shoulders, she hurried off the bus and gave a brief thank you when the bus driver wished her to have a great summer. A strange contrast, yes, but Cassie enjoyed saying thank you and watching the bus vanish into the distance. One day, come graduation or in two years when she turned sixteen, she’d never ride the horrible thing again. No more having to depend on her parents or older brother to transport her around the city. Such a day couldn’t come soon enough. Inside her house, Cassie tossed her backpack beside the door and pulled out her phone. Several more minutes of exploring the internet for information later, she cleared her search history and started a text conversation with Erin and Kelsey. The two would see their families over the first week or so of summer break, leaving her alone. At least her friends would enjoy themselves, and the three could chat about Erin and Kelsey’s adventures over a delicious ice cream cone. She sent the text message explaining the video Rachelle had mentioned. Kelsey responded right away, agreeing to watch the video when she returned from her grandparents’ house. Erin’s tentative reply came a few minutes later. She’d watch it with them, but Erin pleaded not to do so at night, as Cassie had originally planned. After their confirmations, Cassie plopped into her dad’s armchair and listened to videos about paranormal activities.
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Another review for my upcoming young adult horror novel, the Oath Keeper's Servant. For more information about my presale giveaway, please see my website at: The Oath Keeper's Servant comes out on December 7th. Thank you Livi Brooks for the kind words. Book Analysis – The Oath Keeper’s Servant by Zach Kuhl This book was horrifically amazing! As a reader who doesn’t preferably grab at horror novels, this one has changed my viewpoint on the genre as a whole! This author has a way of words and structuring a story to keep the reader wanting more. I really enjoyed the young adult aspect of it. Cassie is young and in school which makes the overall story much more realistic to teen and young adult fans. The vivid descriptions and narrations of Cassie and the Oath Keeper and how her friends were in such denial about her claims resonate with the overall problem of kids not helping kids when in danger. The tension throughout and the mystery depicted through imagery was fantastic. Cassie’s feelings are illustrated very precisely, so as a reader you are able to truly feel what she is in situations such as being taken by the Oath Keeper and dealing with fear. Even though Cassie was the main character, the author made sure to interpret the side characters’ lives and connections and bonds to each other and Cassie. It made the story feel even more real to see other kids living normal lives alongside Cassie while she was dealing with horror behind her back at all times. When Kiel possesses the friends and starts destroying her life at home, that’s when the true horror spiked up for me personally. And I could not put the book down. I recommend this book if you do not want to let go of October and its Halloween horror season yet. This book is perfect to read on a night alone or anywhere for that matter because it puts into perspective the world around you in a whole new way. The pace of the novel was well balanced and is perfect for anyone greedy for a new spin on horror.
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Another review for my young adult horror novel, the Oath Keeper's Servant. For information about my presale giveaway, checkout my website: Thank you Dawn for the review! I thoroughly enjoyed The Oath Keeper’s Servant by Zach Kuhl. Kuhl does a fine job of realistically portraying the main character; Cassie, a thirteen-year-old girl. The other characters are also well done. My favorite after Cassie is the antagonist, Kiel. Kiel is a creep from beyond who just won’t leave poor Cassie alone. He infects her home life and possesses her friends, and in such a way that no one believes he exists. For much of the story, Cassie must deal with him on her own. She is woefully inadequate to do so because it’s not just her against him. It’s her against her family, her friends, and everyone else who thinks she’s crazy. The story has plenty of suspenseful scenes, scenes that adequately vamped up the action and made me anxious to read more. Even the slower-paced areas held my interest. Fans of horror will be pleased with Kuhl’s ability to create wonderfully gory details. This novel also fits well into the thriller and paranormal genres. I should mention that I read this story as a beta reader. For those of you who are not sure what that is, it means I read the story and provided feedback on it prior to it being published. At the time I read this, some parts of the story were slow and there were a few confusing areas. Since Zuhl was made aware and several months will pass before publication, I will assume he’s addressed those things. My rating is based on the quality of Zuhl’s storytelling ability. I give you my oath that you will also find The Oath Keeper’s Servant to be an entertaining read.
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
A review of my upcoming young adult horror novel, the Oath Keeper's Servant, by Ashley Nester. Thank you, Ashley, for the review! Fourteen-year-old Cassie suspects the upcoming summer and school year to be the same as all those before. To add some flair into what she expects to be another mundane couple of months, she and her friends replicate a video spreading across the internet. Their attempted reenactment goes awry when the Oath Keeper, a malicious entity who seeks her as a vessel to restore his dying soul, abducts Cassie. After the Oath Keeper places a seven-pointed star atop her wrist, Cassie is temporarily released. With no one believing her claims and fearful the Oath Keeper is corrupting her mind, Cassie’s school year devolves into one of paranoia, fear, and loneliness. Unable to avoid the Oath Keeper’s manipulative sway for long, Cassie must find a way to kill him or drive him away. Failure to escape will result in her becoming a passenger in her own body, snatched away from friends and family forever. The Oath Keeper’s Servant is a horror novel, but it also passes as a young adult novel due to the age of its main character, Cassie, who is fourteen years old. But don’t let the young adult label fool you, this novel is not for the faint of heart. Cassie’s story is one of terrifying intrigue, and despite the urge to turn away from her story, you will be unable to do so. Zach Kuhl keeps you in his unrelenting grasp with each line, and you will be changed upon finishing his novel – whether you determine that to be for the better or the worse. His words are that bewitching.                Aside from the classic struggles of growing up, Cassie is faced with a unique situation in which an entity called the Oath Keeper abducts her to save his dying soul. Soon Cassie discovers that she is faced with fear, paranoia, and loneliness as she tries to fight for the right to her own body. Throughout the novel, Cassie fears that the Oath Keeper will take over her body and she will end up being a simple passenger in her own vessel. Doing so will cause her to lose her friends and family, and her life will seemingly cease to exist.                Possession horror is often oversaturated with stories that follow the basic exorcism storyline. I have to admit that I am not often a fan of the subgenre because it is hard for me to find stories that surprise me and reignite the fear that I first experienced when reading the original novel, The Exorcist. However, The Oath Keeper’s Servant turned the possession subgenre of horror on its head by combining the horrors of puberty and growing up with possession. The novel also challenges how we see our bodies and how we take for granted our sovereignty. Kuhl’s story is complex and thought-provoking, which makes it a novel I plan to read over and over again. You are sure to catch new things with each read, and my understanding of the story will remain unfinished due to its complexity.                The Oath Keeper’s Servant is a unique, horrifying novel that has challenged my view of the horror genre as a whole. Horror fans will be surprised and pleased with this excellent addition to the possession subgenre, and I thoroughly recommend reading it multiple times in order to understand it the best. I want to thank the author for presenting me with such a challenging – and rewarding – horror novel. I am completely enthralled, and I will be recommending The Oath Keeper’s Servant as one of my top horror picks from here on out. 
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl liked C.G. LEWIS's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl liked Stephen Carbon's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Oath Keeper's Servant has some ARC reviews! For information on my presale giveaway, click more at the top right of my website, then select the news tab. Amazon: Goodreads:
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
In a video reenactment gone awry, Cassie is kidnapped by a malicious entity who seeks her as a vessel to restore his dying soul. Failure to escape will result in her becoming a passenger in her own body, and taken away from loved ones forever. You can preorder the Oath Keeper's Servant Kindle version on Amazon and have a chance to win an Amazon or Barnes or Nobel gift card by entering my pre-sale giveaway. More information can be found on my website at:
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
You can now pre-order the electronic version of my young adult horror novel, the Oath Keeper's Servant. I'm also launching a pre-sale giveaway where you can win an Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card. More information can be found on my website: Here's the front and back cover of the novel:
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl started following Dawn over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl imported 20 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Spider's WarDivergentLegacy of FellnoirThe Tyrant's LawBrisingrThe Name of the WindEnder's GameThis Savage SongEldestThe Golden Compass: Lyra's world
Zach Kuhl
Zach Kuhl started following Nicholas Poe, C.G. LEWIS, Cristal Sieberhagen and 89 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Zach Kuhl is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a degree in creative writing. Outside of reading and writing, he spends his time playing Pathfinder and video games. Zach lives in Michigan with his two dogs, a Greyhound named Chloe and an Australian Shepherd named Mable.
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