Verna McFelin, MNZM

Verna McFelin, MNZM

Founder and past CE of Pillars New Zealand. Christian Author, blogger, speaker & expert on the "invisible sentence" served by families whose loved one has gone to prison.

Verna McFelin, MNZM

@vernamcfelin - Author

Verna McFelin, MNZM

Verna McFelin, MNZM

@vernamcfelin - Author

VERNA MCFELIN, MNZM is a New Zealand author, blogger, speaker, and expert in the field of the 'invisible sentence' served by the families of prisoners... more

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About me
VERNA MCFELIN, MNZM is a New Zealand author, blogger, speaker, and expert in the field of the 'invisible sentence' served by the families of prisoners outside of the wire. As the result of her journey, in 1988 she founded Pillars, an organisation that helps children and prisoners' families in NZ.
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