Varoug M

Varoug M

Mahabharata meets A Game of Thrones in India's First Grimdark Fantasy Series

Varoug M

@varougm - Author

Varoug M

Varoug M

@varougm - Author

Author, Lawyer, Stand Up Comedian, Papercut Survivor, Pretend Swordfighter, Recovering Burgers Addict. Currently pursuing the infinitely more unatta... more

Varoug M
Varoug M liked Jennifer deBie's update almost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Varoug M
Varoug M started following Delilah Bluette, sale nhanh, Yasaa Moin and 6 moreabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
About me
Author, Lawyer, Stand Up Comedian, Papercut Survivor, Pretend Swordfighter, Recovering Burgers Addict. Currently pursuing the infinitely more unattainable dream of being the first 'grimdark/epic fantasy author' of India.
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