Vampire Duff

Vampire Duff

Author of Vampire Fiction

Vampire Duff

@vampireduff - Reader

Vampire Duff

Vampire Duff

@vampireduff - Reader

I love horror, mainly vampires, but as of late there is not much in the way of Vampire novels that really hit the classic vampire feel. The same can b... more

Vampire Duff
Vampire Duff posted an updateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
I am giving away a short eBook for free, I may add more chapters at a later time, which will come with updates. Here are two links (there are more, but I am only posting two) to get a copy of 'My Spiritual Journey'. iPhone users: other users:
Vampire Duff
Vampire Duff started following Catarina Pages & Plots, Kate Valent, Joshua C. Cook and 51 moreover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
About me
I love horror, mainly vampires, but as of late there is not much in the way of Vampire novels that really hit the classic vampire feel. The same can be said for werewolves. So I created a world were the 'Normal' vampire and Nosferatu both live, alongside the werewolf and the classic wolfman.
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