Torin K

Torin K

Torin K

@torink - Reader

Torin K

Torin K

@torink - Reader

Torin K
Torin K left a comment on The Crossedover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
This book was actually really good, I’m not a big YA reader but I was captivated by the story and the relevance it has to our world today. With everything going on, I thought I’d tire of the plot but it was insightful and taught me a lot while still being fun and exciting. The ending was also really surprising, but I loved it!
Torin K
Torin K upvoted The Crossedover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Torin K
Torin K started following TJ Raoover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago