Tom Shachtman

Tom Shachtman

Tom Shachtman

@tomshachtman -  Author

Tom's books

The Memoir of the Minotaur is the posthumous confessions of the half-man, half-bull of Crete as offered to an audience of recently-deceased, 21st century fellow souls in Hades’ domain. It shares ts form with other popular retellings of the monster narrative such as John Gardner’s Grendel, and th...

Ell, a millennial of European and Mexican heritage, has one humorous children’s book published, but her more serious writing projects are stalled, her boyfriend has dumped her, and she is deeply frightened by a recurring dream. To solve her problems she delves into family mysteries – Civil War-e...

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About me
Tom Shachtman’s non-fiction includes The Day America Crashed, Rumspringa, and The Founding Fortunes, among several dozen other books. His novels include the Beachmaster trilogy, available in several languages, and The Memoir of the Minotaur.
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