Tom Kreffer

Tom Kreffer

Tom Kreffer

@tomkreffer - Author

Tom Kreffer

Tom Kreffer

@tomkreffer - Author

Hi. I'm Tom, a writer who writes to his son every day about parenthood from a dad’s point of view. I do this through journaling, a practice I have... more

Tom's books

Imagine discovering you’re about to become a parent, even though doctors told you the chances of making a baby were close to zero. Now, a soon-to-be first-time father is charting a course through the perilous and choppy waters of living with a pregnant woman. He’s dodging hormonal right hooks,...

It begins immediately. There’s no transition period, no trial run, no supervised training, no e-learning module and no simulation that you can f**k up as many times as you need to until you get it right. As soon as the midwife hands you your newborn baby, you are responsible for keeping it ...

Live on Discovery

Toddler Inc.

Toddlers are savages. They scream, shout, rebel, slap, destroy, throw food and purposely withhold their love and affection – just to watch your soul snap and your spirit shatter. And all before 8 a.m. And yet, they’re also misunderstood creatures: funny and beautiful – endearing little marv...

Live on Discovery

The Search for Sanity

Welcome to the terrible twos. Where toddlers annihilate boundaries, convert your resolve into servitude and routinely imitate your worst qualities in public. Join one father and his journal as he scribbles his way through this famously difficult stage of parenthood searching for a win, his ...

About me
Hi. I'm Tom, a writer who writes to his son every day about parenthood from a dad’s point of view. I do this through journaling, a practice I have found to be an incredibly broad and dynamic way of telling a story.
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