Remi DeWitt

Remi DeWitt

Remi DeWitt

@timothyknight -  Author

Remi's books

Live on Discovery

God's Gift

The world is messed up. Bad people are everywhere, and some make selfish laws so they can take everything for themselves. Who wouldn’t want to make it better? Devon does. But she doesn’t know how. On her seventh birthday, she sits by her parents’ lake in the Pacific Northwest and thinks that ma...

Live on Discovery

The Alien Who Woke Earth

Previously published under the title God's Gift The world isn’t fair and no one seems to care. When a big silver being with lethal powers falls from the sky, Devon enlists it in her quest to change the world into a better place. They set off to visit the president, and, along the way, colle...

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About me
Remi DeWitt was born in Southampton in 1954. Adopted into an agriculture family, Remi left to work in both the brewing industry and civil engineering, completing a degree in physics along the way. Remi has returned to the countryside and now takes long walks amongst trees and fields.
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