Cathryn  Marr

Cathryn Marr

Writing partners and friends...

Cathryn Marr

@tereseramin - Author

Cathryn  Marr

Cathryn Marr

@tereseramin - Author

Cathryn Marr is the pseudonym for the writing team of Terese Ramin and Dawn Johanson. more

Cathryn  Marr
Cathryn Marr upvoted Soul Keeperover 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
Cathryn  Marr
Cathryn Marr started following Felicia Bengtssonabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Cathryn  Marr
Cathryn Marr left a comment on Soul Keeperabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Hey everyone! Thank you for following us. I'm Terese Ramin, half of the Cathryn Marr writing team. We're happy to be here and jazzed to have Soul Keeper be our first joint release. Feel free to ask questions as Soul Keeper is about 50/50 UF/Paranormal Romantic Suspense, but very few (read as none that we've so far found) list any combination of those as possible genre choices. Terese
About me
Cathryn Marr is the pseudonym for the writing team of Terese Ramin and Dawn Johanson.
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